Monday 26 March 2012

Adventures in Blogging

So this is my first time posting a blog.  I am trying to get back into the online world.  So LPS collecting took a back seat and I have been just trying to take care of me and my family.  I became a fish hobbyist to help realx me.  I love having fish because they can be so soothing to look at and give you hours of enjoyment.

This is one of my show tanks.  Thae background is made by me. 

Well back to LPS.  Gradually LPS started to win me over again and I am back collecting again...  I am hoping to try and mend some relationships that got broken in my online silence. 

Well now I think I will try to begin again and try to start from the beginning.

Well here is my history of LPS collecting.  We began in late 2006 collecting so I guess we have been collecting for 5 1/2 years now.  I say we because when we began I was collecting with my daughters.  They are now to busy with school and don't have much interest in collecting.

We only had a whopping 2 LPS when we began.  The collie #58 and the Boston Terrier # 63

My girls loved them.  I just thought they were cute and said they could each pick one.  So that was the beginning.  I think we bought them at Zellers (Canadian Store)  I didn't really think much of them until a couple of months later when the girls asked for more.   We noticed that they had numbers and I was curious how many more were out there.

Enter the world of EBAY!!!!!!

Well that was the begining of the obsession.   There were so many of them on ebay it wasn't funny.  At the time maybe only 300 had been released.  I will try to post all of our LPS in this process.  After the incident that ripped 3 years out of our life, I had to retake all of my LPS pics. I try to take pics every couple of months so I may be a bit behind in pics of our newest LPS.  Just a note....  Please back up all of you data on your pc with an external hard drive or whatever you need.  Dont trust it all to your computer.  Someone can just rip it out and leave a huge hole in your life.

So off we went.  2 became 4 and then 4 became 100 and then so on and so on.... All the way up to over 2000.  I think the count is over 2200.  Not sure on the the exact number because it changes.

I don't know whether I should post our pics by number or group first.  I think I will start with group.  Thats would be the easiest for me.  I am still new at this type of thing.  I did have a website but I took all of my pics off because i kept getting over storage limits nagging emails.

So if you want to keep an eye out I will start posting pics by type of anumal.  Keep them all organized into groups.  I will also try to post about my LPS customs that I do.  I have worked on some to help keep me sane but not at the level I was working on them before. 

Well I am off now.  Keep watching and I'll keep posting.

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